Mobile Apps Have Changed The World

Is Mobile Not At The Top Of Your Strategy?

Since we have all purchased smart phones that are more powerful than the computers we had back in the 70’s and 80’s we are now plugged into the most powerful connected networks that there are.

Networking used to be some kind of dirty word where we went to an event where lots of people we didn’t know judged us for the name and job title we had on our badge; this enabled the badge spotters to run around having speedy conversations with half the room to build up a list of contact details to harrass on the telephone, by email and direct mail if they were really lucky!

Now networking occurs first usually online via social networking sites like Linkedin and Twitter for us then to arrange meetings in the future once we have already got to know the person and have some ideas on how we can strategically work with them to grow our revenues jointly.

I do agree mobile is important but without a truly integrated approach it’s like most badly planned marketing, a waste of money! If we don’t track the roi, if we dont know how we should speak with our clients or potential new clients and which channels they prefer then how are we going to add value?

Mobile Apps Have Changed The World
How Mobile Apps Have Changed The World

If you would like to contact me @natschooler on Twitter or


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