Future of Work: How Employee Experience will Evolve

Future of Work: How Employee Experience will Evolve

The future of work is changing, and employee experience will be one of the most important factors to consider. In this video, we explore how employee experience will evolve in the future and what companies can do to stay ahead of the curve!

The Future of Work is a hot topic these days. With so much uncertainty around what the future holds, it’s no wonder that employees are feeling anxious about their place in the workforce. In this podcast, Nathaniel Schooler is joined by some amazing guests to discuss the Future of Work and how the Employee Experience will evolve. Billee Howard, Diane Gayeski, and Dan Smolen all have unique insights into this topic, and they provide valuable information that will help employees navigate the ever-changing landscape of work. This is a must-listen for anyone who wants to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to the Future of Work.

Billee Howard is Founder + CEO of BRANDthro. She has a strategic vision around why customer experience is the new battle ground and improved emotional intelligence is the number one catalyst for growth and improved business performance.

Billee has a book dedicated to the study of the sharing economy called WE-Commerce. She is also an active contributor to Fast Company and the Forbes CMO network where she instigates conversations with the C-Suite to uncover the emerging trends facing the future of marketing, communications and customer advocacy.

  1. Tell me about the future of work from your POV ?
  • Why must companies master emotion inside and out to succeed and build the companies of tomorrow?
  • Future of innovation/employee experience and the soft/hard skills required for success?



Diane Gayeski, Ph.D. is a professor and practitioner acknowledged for her expertise in corporate communication, learning, and new technologies. She bridges the worlds of higher ed and business through her roles as Professor of Strategic Communication at Ithaca College’s Park School of Communications (where she also served as Dean for 11 years) and Principal at Gayeski Analytics whose clients include Bank of Montreal, Abbott Diagnostics, US Navy, Ministry of Education of Turkey and Intel. The author of 11 books, she’s a frequent conference and private workshop leader and is named a Fellow by the International Association of Business Communicators.

  1. From your experiences with college students, what might surprise corporate leaders about how they need to create effective and inclusive cultures that will attract top talent?
  2. What new types of disabilities are we seeking being acknowledged and included in today’s workplaces and how does this impact the way we design work, communication, and training for employees?
  3. What are some of they myths about Gen Z – especially around their relationship with technology and their attitude towards work?


@DianeGayeski (twitter) https://www.linkedin.com/in/gayeski/

Dan Smolen is a former advertising and marketing executive and recruitment specialist who, in 2017, turned to podcasting to discuss pressing issues around career development, the future of work and workplace topics. In Fall 2022, his podcast (which has been on a brief hiatus) will return as “What’s Your Work Fit?, a live-streamed program that is driven in part by the active participation of its audience members. Thus, What’s Your Work Fit will inform, enlighten and educate careerists and hiring managers to embrace their work fit–the unique qualities and situations that make the work that they do mission successful and personally meaningful.

1. You mentioned that you took a brief hiatus from podcasting to relaunch your future of work and career related show. What’s the rebooted show called, what’s it about, and why did you blow up the show that you had been doing?

2. You drive thought-leadership around future of work and workplace issues. What are some of the issues and trends that really stand out?

3. One of the topics that you’ve focused on is neurodiversity. From a future of work standpoint, why is neurodiversity important? And to that matter, what kinds of workplace professionals are neurodiverse?


LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dansmolen/

Twitter: @dansmolen

Podcast Subscription Page: https://mailchi.mp/dansmolen.com/tightrope-podcast-subscribe

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