Your Success Is A Must: Failure Is Not An Option

The path to success is paved with challenges, but with unwavering determination and the right guidance and resolve, you can overcome any obstacle. In this interview I am joined by business Expert Steven J. Manning.

Success is not a one-size-fits-all concept. Each of us has a different definition of success and of course is dealt a different set of cards. In this week’s discussion, Steven J. Manning and I explore the true nature of success, offering profound insights and wisdom for reaching the success you seek.

Shocking Workplace Dissatisfaction Insights

  • 65% of employees report job dissatisfaction: This statistic can be referenced from a study that highlights over 63% of employees in the U.S. report dissatisfaction with their current job roles.
  • 63% express concerns about work-life balance: This figure is supported by a survey which revealed that 63% of Americans prioritize work-life balance over higher pay.
  • Only 23% worldwide feel truly thriving at work: This statistic is backed by Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace 2023 Report, which states that just 23% of workers worldwide are engaged and thriving at work.

Key Insights on Success

Success is Uniquely Personal

  • Not defined by universal standards
  • Varies based on:
    • Societal position
    • Life stage
    • Economic background
    • Individual circumstances

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The Entrepreneurial Mindset: Creating Your Own Path

What Makes an Entrepreneur?

Steven Manning provides a compelling definition of entrepreneurship:

  • Creating Your Own Action: Waking up knowing you must generate opportunities
  • Embracing Uncertainty: Willing to take risks without guaranteed outcomes
  • Continuous Learning: Committed to ongoing research and personal development

“You get up in the morning and you know you have to create your own action. You create the action, it works. You eat.” – Steven J. Manning

The Power of Mentorship and Connections

Key Principles of Success

  • Surround Yourself with Driven Individuals
  • Be Open to Mentorship
  • Seek Knowledge from Successful People

Innovative Mentorship Approach

  • Upside-down mentoring
  • Young professionals providing fresh perspectives
  • Senior leaders learning from junior talent

Practical Steps Towards Success

Take Personal Inventory

  • Assess your current skills
    • Identify potential growth areas
    • Set clear, achievable goals

Embrace Continuous Learning

  • Research extensively
    • Stay curious
    • Challenge existing processes

Network Strategically

  • Reach out to successful individuals
    • Seek advice and guidance
    • Maintain meaningful connections

Conclusion: Success is a Journey, Not a Destination

Success isn’t about reaching a specific point but continuously evolving, learning, and creating opportunities. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or prefer a structured career path, the key is to remain proactive, curious, and committed to personal growth.

Final Thought

“You are known by the company you keep” – Steven J. Manning

Remember: Your success is a must, and failure is not an option.

Sources: 1: 140 Job Satisfaction Statistics: Factors, Benefits, and More 2: Survey Finds 63% of Americans Prioritize ‘Soft-Life Balance’ Over Hustle Culture 3: Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace 2023 Report

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