It’s often said that the rate of change is accelerating. But how does this affect you, your company and your industry? How can you take advantage of the speed of change to make a fresh start?
The world is changing at a rapid pace. If you’re not moving forward, you’ll be left behind. In order to stay relevant and competitive in today’s fast-paced business environment, it’s important to make a fresh start now and again. Sometimes this means upgrading your business model or product line; other times, it simply involves taking time off from work to focus on self-improvement or family life. Either way, it pays dividends in the long run!
Do you need help making a fresh start? Contact us for more information about our services!
It’s never been a better time to be an entrepreneur or an intrapreneur. The opportunities that are out there for people who want to pursue their own business venture and use their entrepreneurial spirit here or in their job is greater than ever before in history. However, with so many new and different ways of doing things comes the need for change. This blog post will explore how we can make a fresh start and take advantage of all these potential opportunities by embracing change and adapting our mindset in order to stay ahead of the curve in today’s world.
It has never been more important or easier to be an entrepreneur than it is right now! With new technologies on the rise every day, new startup ideas are always available at your fingertips – but this also means you have competition from all over the world.
Kim-Adele is a transformational change expert with decades of experience in working with large corporations. In this blog post and interview, she shares insights about the rate of change and making a fresh start. She also talks about personal transformational change and how to embrace life changes to be happier and more secure knowing your future is bright.
Kim-Adele shares insights around personal transformational change and how to embrace change in your life to be happier and more secure knowing your future is bright. The rate of change and making a fresh start is something we have to get used to, everyone has to embrace change and move forward in their lives despite perhaps not wanting to at times.
Change is ubiquitous. It’s there and we have to embrace it.
Every day we need to have a plan, we need to work towards that plan and if what we are doing is not leading us to our long term vision for our life and our business then we need to question why we are doing it.
The rate of change that we are seeing in the world today is not slowing down. We need to embrace this and make sure our path aligns with what’s happening around us.
No matter what stage of your life you are living, there is change. We all need to embrace it and make sure we are moving forward in our lives.
- rate of change
- making a fresh start
- transformational change
The rate of change that we are seeing in the world today is not slowing down. We need to embrace this and make sure our path aligns with what’s happening around us. No matter what stage of your life you are living, there is always something that needs to change and is changing. Embrace it!
The rate of change and making a fresh start is something we have to get used to in the modern world, the rate of change is something that affects us in our personal lives as well as when it comes to our careers. We can also see many large corporations trying to deal with this rate of change by implementing transformational changes in their workflows. Within this blog, Kim-Adele shares insight from her time working on transformational change projects in conjunction with large corporations.
She advises people on how they can embrace personal transformational change so they are happier and more secure in knowing what they will be doing for their future. She has advised people to work on the business not in the business so they do not get stuck in it and can look at it objectively and make their job work for them and support the vision for the business.
The rate of change and making a fresh start is something we have to get used to, everyone has to embrace change and move forward in their lives despite perhaps not wanting to at times. We often fall into the trap of working in our business, not on our business (this can also be applied to our lives). It’s very important for us to start working on it because that’s when you start to see opportunities that are around there, which would help you go and achieve your goal.
The full transcript can be found below.
speaker 2
I’m good. Just thinking about these new starts though. It’s a bit like crossing your arms the wrong way. It’s a bit, you know, we were talking about,
speaker 1
We had people doing that last week. Did we? And we were talking today about like kind of the speed of change and fresh starts. And I guess it has been in conversations with lots of people, hasn’t it? And it was September. So it was not really the end of the year. Not really the start of a new year, but for a lot of people, September has always been that moment where it is a fresh start. Maybe our children are taking that leap to the next school or to the next year or to university or leaving university. It’s a, it’s a time for reflection. Isn’t it. And what I’m finding, talking to businesses is they’re looking at and reflecting on whether or not they’re as far forward as they hoped to be at this point. And you start to realize how fast time is going. And the fact that, you know, the end of the universe is upon us.
speaker 1
Isn’t there. If we don’t make some changes now, then we’re, we’re going to run out of time to be able to make them. And I guess that’s why we decided today to be a bit quirky and like Lipan, literally within 30 seconds of saying, should we talk about this subject? Because actually that is how change happens for it as change is at pace. And sometimes we don’t have the time to reflect digest, go through the change curve. We know we’ve still got to go through it. We know that we still have to access to that knowledge and grieve and, and all of those stages. But sometimes the change is now and it’s how do we best adapt to that? So we thought we’d style it out and see how it works, because we’ve not really thought this through, but we’ve know a lot about change. Change is happening all of the time. So to try and debate, you know, how do we deal with change when change is just thrust upon us? And so as soon as I’ve just thrust this upon, you feel about the change.
speaker 2
I think initially there is a, there is a panic initially every time, right? It’s like my dad, right. I’m trying to teach him or help him with his life. Yeah. And, you know, remotely he’s ATA. Right. And he gets very stressed about things that he sort of forgets that he’s done, or he forgets where he’s up to speed with. Right. Like he’s kind of a bit lost sometimes. And I think that’s, that’s, that’s really so relevant to this because it’s like, well actually, if, if we don’t, first of all, we need to know where we’re going. This is the first thing. Right. And if we don’t know where we’re going, then we need to just stop what we’re doing. And if it’s not going to kill us, then we need to stop what we’re doing and actually make a list of things that we, that we actually want to achieve and actually create a vision. And that was, that’s the most important thing that I think I’ve done with you in the past year when we, when we created the vision for our business, that I found really, really useful. And, and then, you know, every day we, we, we kind of say, well, this is what I’m doing today. Going to help me towards the vision that I have for apple, we have for our business. Right. And for me, that that’s like the most amazing thing, really, to be honest.
speaker 1
Yeah. It allows you to have that blueprint, isn’t it? You know, it’s the old adage you said, if you don’t know where you’re going, any path will get you there. And you, therefore, you don’t know if you’re on the wrong path or the right path. Cause you don’t really know where you’re going. Whereas at least having a vision, having a plan, having a strategy doesn’t mean to say, there won’t be bumps along the road. It doesn’t mean to say that you didn’t think you were going to achieve it one way and actually life has other plans, but it allows you to be focused on where you’re heading, which allows our subconscious brain, which as we know, is that happiest. That’ll help her to understand what’s important to us. And in understanding what what’s important to us, it looks for opportunities to help us achieve our goal, to help us reach our destination and fulfill our vision.
speaker 1
So probably one of the most important things. And it was fascinating. There was a study done by Harvard business review. And in this study, they went and asked people about whether or not they’d got a goal. And from the research that they did, only 13% of people that they asked actually had a goal, knew what it was that they wanted to achieve more than just their, what should go. And you go, I don’t know, probably just to be comfortable or something, but these people actually had an idea of what it was, but only 3% of them had got it written down and had some form of action plan, irrelevant of whether or not that was a robust action plan or one that was, they’re never going to work only 3%. And they came back and they looked at the results of these two populations and they identified that the two populations that 13% haven’t had a goal of which 3% had it written down with a, an action plan as well.
Kim-Adele shares insights around personal transformational change and how to embrace change in your life to be happier and more secure knowing your future is bright. The rate of change and making a fresh start is something we have to get used to, everyone has to embrace change and move forward in their lives despite perhaps not wanting to at times.
speaker 1
The other 10% had got it written down, knew what it was, but no more detail. The other 87% either didn’t have a goal. And I didn’t have it written down. I didn’t have any clarity of what it was they were looking to achieve when they went back and checked the results. The 13% that had some form of goal written or not achieved 10 times more than anybody else in the 87%. And that’s because we are channeling our thinking, we’re channeling our emotional brain, we’re channeling our subconscious brain. And you look into like kind of the distribution of the world’s wealth. And it’s no real surprise that when we think about where 50% of the world’s wealth is, it’s in the top 1% of the world. And you layer that back to the 3% that actually had a goal and knew where they were heading. So it’s so important that we understand what it is that we’re trying to achieve, achieve and where we’re, where we’re heading to help us to one go along that journey ourselves.
speaker 1
But two, and perhaps more importantly, particularly if we’re taking other people with us, is that we can take with other people with us. We can help explain to them where we’re going, why we’re going and why it’s important as some grateful, it’s not the people who change, but life and life situations that change. And that’s so true yet we remain who we are, our values, our beliefs, they remain as it is. They can be tweaked over time as we learn new experiences. Or for example, if we want to do the inner work that says the beliefs or the labels that we’re using are no longer serving us and we can go make those changes, but fundamentally we are who we are, but it is about how we respond and react and move forward with whatever’s going on around us to be the most productive version of ourselves.
speaker 2
Yeah, absolutely. And I think having, having this goal, this vision of where we want to get to sure. You know, like Michael Tobin said in many of the interviews that we did, you know, you’re going to get Ubered along the way. Things are not going to go as you want them to go. But if you, if you keep your vision, I mean, you, you say this as well, Kim and you stay focused on that vision of where you want to be. You write it down, you think about it every day, right. And you aim towards it, then it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter what happens. Life situations can happen. Yes. You can be pushed backwards and it happens. But a lot of the time you benefit from that actually in many, many ways like it, and it can build resistance, it can build a resilience, it can build determination in many cases. I mean, in my own experience anyway, you know, and other skills that you learned along the way.
speaker 1
Yeah. And I think if you know what it is, that’s important. And for me also, why it’s important because sometimes when the, what feels too hard, the why is what pulls me back. And there was no trick. I got taught many years ago, which is the next time I said, I don’t have the time, or I don’t have the money or I don’t have the resources or I don’t have the whatever, try reframing that conversation by saying, it’s not important to me and see how well that sits. And I promise you, it’s powerful because the minute you look at that and go, it’s not important to me to do that. It hits your value set. If your why is on the money, then it hits your value, set. It hits deep in your emotion. And you’re like, that’s not right. It is important to me.
speaker 1
If it’s important to me, I’ll find a way. And we now have a quote. There’s a great one, which I love, which is obstacles are the things that we see when we take our eye off the goal. And my other favorite is if it’s important to me, I’ll find a way if it isn’t, I find an excuse and I now hold myself to that to go, is this really important to me? Because if it is what I accept that excuse from myself, I might be more forgiving of others, probably significantly more forgiving of others than I am of myself. But holding myself to that account has really helped me to tackle changes that perhaps I didn’t want to tackle before, but I’m so much more grateful on the other side. And to your point of learn more skills and I’m able to better support other people in facing their challenges in their, in their moments where they’re like, I don’t know, I haven’t got the time, the money, the resources, the energy, the whatever it’s finding that person who can go, I can help
speaker 2
It’s fantastically exciting of a new start. Right. And I think, I think what also is very interesting is you can be kind of, you can be working in your business, right? And maybe you get a bit sort of bored or kind of not de-motivated, but just a little bit overwhelmed with what you’ve got to do, but, but then another opportunity to kind of maybe market your business in a different way or grow some sales channels in a different route, or for example, learn some new skills. And those things actually can bring you back to your happy place. And that’s, you know, that’s happened with us because I building this, I sad, right? The international imposter syndrome awareness day website, and just focusing on that and saying, well, actually this is going to become a really great resource for people who suffer from imposter syndrome has kind of helped me to revitalize my energy, which was getting a bit stale. Cause I was just sort of working within my little box of what I was doing.
speaker 1
Yeah. And obviously we were doing that to give back and to help people, but it comes from some of the research that we’ve done very often, what happens. And we see this a lot with coaches at the minute, I’m getting a lot of coaches just wanting to have a bit of a chat because they’re not getting as many clients as they want to. They’re seeing that everybody’s saying they need to coach the need to speaker, but they’re not seeming to be able to connect that work. And that’s because very often we fall into the trap of working in our business, not on our business and actually our role is to work on it. So we’ve gotta be able to, and you know, I lean everything I possibly can that allows us to start working in it and start working on it. Cause that’s when you start to see the opportunities that are around there to help you go and achieve your goal.
speaker 1
But very often, whether you’re a small business owner, an entrepreneur, a senior leader in a big corporate, you get sucked into the day-to-day. You get sucked into being in the business. I’m actually one of the most important lessons that you can learn is to carve out some time for yourself to be really strict with that and focus that time on working on it, not in it because you’d be amazed. The difference it has. I remember probably 15 years ago now I used to do that on a Friday morning. I used to do Friday mornings from home and my team hated to hit passion. Cause they were like the amount of work you could get out in a Friday morning because all of the things we were waiting for for direction, for ideas, for ideation, for creativity, we were like, well, she’d been that busy flying all over the place.
speaker 1
You know, it’s off my desk cause it’s on hers. But they all knew that Friday morning when I got up. And because I’d carved out that time to just go, no, this is about I’m going to first, before I start responding to those emails, I’m going to think about where is it we need to be, why is that important? Where is it we’re heading? And then take a real stock of where am I today? As you know, I use the grow model all the time. I’ve been using it for years. It was great for that from a revisit, what is my goal? What is it that I’m being asked to do on behalf of the organization? How do I check where it is? And then be really, really strict with myself on what’s my reality. If that’s the goal and the goals are wavering, where am I now?
speaker 1
And why have I got here? How do I move those parts around? And then once I done that and I would carve out the first couple of hours, that would have been my original commute and I would then go right with that revised enthusiasm with that revised focus on where it is I’m heading, why it’s important, what it is I’ve got to do. I’m now going to look at this stack of things that are on my pending pile that are things that I’m being asked to look at and I’m going to work through them at that pace, with that renewed figure, I’m going to be able to tell my people how, what I’m asking them to do links in to the bigger vision. So if they’re feeling a little bit like, oh, I’m a little bit zapped of energy, as you’ve just explained, then actually start with something else that goes, this is why we’re doing it. This is why it’s important. Reenergizes us. And therefore we can get the momentum to get through the tasks we need to do. I think it’s a crucial skill. It’s certainly helped me over the last 25, nearly 30 years in navigating some fairly significant change for myself and for other organizations because it keeps you centered on why.