Revenue Blindspots
Thoughtleadership interview about revenue blindspots, customer experience and marketing with fellow IBM Futurist Bryan Eisenberg, Co-founder Buyer Legends, NY Times bestselling author, Keynote Speaker. Internationally recognised authority & pioneer in online marketing and a personal friend and adviser of mine.
I edited the video as we had some internet connection problems in places but tried to retain as many great insights as possible.
We shared some interesting conversations around revenue blindspots and how some of the companies he has worked with changed one graphic that had a huge impact, it accounted for 5% for their topline revenue. They had been staring at it for months.
Daily deaths by a thousand cuts are caused by revenue blindspots, the little small cuts where they couldn’t execute. A big change in perspective using The Buyer Legends Momentum Framework has helped businesses to increase revenues of over 1 Billion USD.
Bryan Eisenberg explains that the statement usually created do not describe the problem they are fixing enough.
You will need to listen to the video to understand more about the help that Bryan and his team can do for your business. The process that they use is very similar to the process that I use myself with my associates.
Building business acumen along the way, helping clients to learn whilst they are having their problems fixed. Becoming more effective is key to people succeeding in business and Bryan covers a lot of interesting informative insights here.
We discuss the need to keep an enterprise small and not wasting time having too many layers of management within the organisational structure to avoid the worst “growing pains.”
Bryan’s momentum framework is based on two fundamental principles:-
- Reduce friction
- Increase motivation
We discussed about seamless experience and Amazon Go and lots of other potential disruptions and potentially say goodbye to 7 Eleven.
I explained how I did not appreciate being recruited to scan my own items and I hate it!
We discussed where people use their phone the most and Bryan explains about customer data and us being served better as customers and how Amazon are “The Worlds Most Customer Orientated Business!”
Bryan and I really enjoy discussing management and business in general and had so much fun doing this interview, despite the bad internet connection…
We need to be able to react in real time, being a dinosaur in business is no longer acceptable in organisations, they need to be more nimble and reduce their revenue blindspots.
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Also you can visit Bryan here
You can find Bryan Eisenberg anywhere on social media.
Here is the blog from when I met Bryan Eisenberg and some other top level business people at IBM Amplify: IBM Futurists at Amplify 2017