Personal Brand Building Is For Everyone

Personal Brand Building Is For Everyone

Everyone has a personal brand and should consider personal brand building. A personal brand either just happens to you or you shape it to work for you and your career!

personal brand building is for everyone

If you aspire towards building a more rewarding career it can certainly help you to get more recognition for your efforts, it can help you obtain freelance work or a job with IBM, Cisco or anywhere else, it can help you to obtain that promotion you are looking for or to make that dream of starting out on your own in business a reality.

You can have a personal brand at any age

Especially in this day of social media, you even find child prodigies having huge personal brands and obtaining guidance to ensure they don’t make any mistakes.

From the pre-secondary school child who wants to be an actor, all the way throughout life’s journey to the retired job seeker who gets bored in the potting shed (in the UK this is sometimes what retired men do with Whisky of course and a newspaper…)

So this article is to make you aware that whomever you are and whatever you do you have a personal brand that you should at least monitor and depending on your career goals you should manage it effectively, taking control of the way you communicate to others and how they look at you.

Your brand evolves over time as do your interests and goals also may change

Wherever you are in your career, your brand exists from the day you arrive at university to the day you leave a job you have been at for the last thirty years. Do not forget you could be in a position of not being prepared for getting further employment in a field you love. If you have heard enough then email me

We are spending more and more time these days working and it is crucial to consider you may have to spend the next twenty years or so in a career you hate! So taking the time to be strategic about where you want to be in 1,3,5,10 and 20 years is absolutely crucial.

It takes some strategic planning to ensure your brand evolves correctly

My father was a corporate planner and Britain’s leading business management expert back in the 1980s and he always stressed me out about planning my life! For years always hassling me to find out what my plan was, now at least I have seen the light and made a plan.

You must learn new skills and accept criticism!

Along the way I have picked up the knowledge and skillsets that I have wanted to build for my own enjoyment and career fulfilment, I have also taken on board most of the criticism from others and learned how to work with my strengths and weaknesses to ensure I arrive at my destination.

Objectives do not change!

So it is crucial to understand that your objective must remain the same and the only things that can change are the strategy and of course the tactics that make up the strategy.

So my personal branding strategy is made up of a few parts, if you want some assistance then please email 

Make sure you take some notes in order to get a good checklist of things you need to do to position yourself to all the right people!


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