#STOPFEARING… and live the life you deserve with Vandana Tolani founder of Convanto, a boutique Investment Banking firm focused on fundraising and consulting early-stage start-ups.
Nat Schooler and Kim-adele were joined by Vandana Tolani to talk about MindSet and how to overcome your fears and step into your future.
Topics covered in the “Live the life you deserve” interview include:
1. Stop fearing
2. Create a vision for the life you deserve
3. Get to know yourself better and what you want out of life
4. Identify your fears and how they are holding you back from achieving your goals
5. Take action in small steps to start living the life that you deserve
You can find out more information on Vandana’s company here: https://www.convanto.com/
How To Live The Life You Deserve In No Time With Vandana Tolani
#STOPFEARING… and live the life you deserve with Vandana Tolani, founder of Convento, a boutique Investment Banking firm focused on fundraising and consulting early-stage start-ups.
Vandana Tolani joined Nat Schooler and Kim-adele to talk about MindSet and how to overcome your fears and step into your future.
Stop fearing and Create a vision for the life you deserve!
I have always loved watching people move beyond the lack of confidence they have they think they have. Whenever I see it, I feel so great when he finally stands up for himself and becomes this confident, wonderful guy. But also, I am saddened because of all the bad feelings and thoughts that he had to endure. And yet no one helped him, no one saw his potential.
You’ve heard the stories: someone who raises money to start a business or creates a new career and then sees it grow. You want that for yourself. But you aren’t sure how to get there
That feeling of being stuck – not knowing what you want out of life, and not knowing how to go about getting it- is something we all experience at some point in our lives. We might call this way of thinking “paralysis by analysis.”
It’s paralyzing because we’re afraid to make any decision lest we pick the wrong one; but ironically, by doing nothing, we end up with no decisions made and nowhere left to go!
You can find your way through that to go on and grow a business despite the difficulty of product-market fit and finding the finance.
Getting your mindset in shape is the key and taking action
Reclaim your confidence, retake control and create your next level of success + impact without burning out.
The secret to achieving your next level of success and impact is not about being more competent, creative, or working harder.
The truth is that there are bad habits people learn as they grow up which crush the creative pathways in the brain. But, if you’re willing to work at it, here are many things you can do now that will start to re-wire your brain for success.
Get clear on what matters most. You’ve got a lot on your plate right now – family/friends, job/career, hobbies/interests. But if you don’t know what’s important to you – where your values lie – then everything else becomes an obligation rather than something meaningful. So take some time (15 minutes should be enough and make some notes about your vision for the future.)
Prioritize creativity. When you feel creative, your brain releases dopamine. The same chemical that gets released when you eat chocolate so it feels great! You can bring on these feelings by setting time aside for creative thinking – try painting, drawing, writing or playing music. And if that’s too much work. Go for a walk and take the time to think about what your vision is for the future.
We hope the valuable tips that Vandana shared with Nat Schooler and Kim-Adele have helped you understand what you can do to increase your happiness. If you want help creating a plan, we’re happy to help. Just click the link to grab the GROW training. (It is all about goal setting).
You can also listen to this interview about investor relations here: The Formula For Successful Investor Relations, Ethics, Values & Responsibility (CSR)
Or : Tushar Kansal: Talking Startups & VC Funding | Ex-Deloitte, Brand Cap, MTS VC / Angel Investments