In this Business Problems Solved Podcast, Lee Houghton interviewed the founders of MasterMindSet and they discussed mastering problem-solving in the right way.
Do you want to learn how to solve your business problems? In this podcast, Nat Schooler and Kim-Adele talked about solving problems in a way that is aligned with mastering one’s mindset. With a focus on mindset shifts, habits, and skills that can support you as a coach, entrepreneur or business leader. This conversation is to help forward-thinking people who are ready for more success in their lives by looking at what’s going well and what needs improvement. They shared insights from their experience coaching around the globe on these topics. Tune into this episode now!
This week, it’s a masterclass in mindset as Lee Houghton meets Nat and Kim-Adele from MasterMindSet, a “New Learning Foundation For Leadership: Different by Design Delivering C-Suite Executives the Skills, Strategies & Networks to Lead in the 2020s and Beyond“.
Nat and Kim-Adele talk about the things they’ve learned from helping others, the dangers of a blame culture, and how trust can energise your business relationships. Blame culture is detrimental because it does not encourage individuals to take responsibility for themselves or for what happens around them. Blaming others leads people into blaming others when something goes wrong, instead of taking action towards solving the problem at hand – which can lead people into a cycle where they are constantly blaming each other instead of fixing problems as they arise. This type of mentality can damage healthy working relationships.
Some people get wrapped up in the blame culture, which can lead to an unhealthy way of living. It’s time to stop blaming other people for our problems and turn them into opportunities to improve ourselves.
It’s said that the best way to get a team working together is by giving them responsibility and trust. This is because when you give people the freedom to be themselves, they can thrive.
If someone does something wrong or makes a mistake, instead of pointing fingers and blaming them, it’s better to take time out as a team to figure out how it happened and what went wrong so that everyone can learn from their mistakes. In order for your business relationships with others to work well; you need trust. It takes time but if there are any problems then rather than pointing fingers at each other, try talking about what might have gone wrong in order to find solutions together. With this approach, people will feel like they are being heard which will create an amazing supportive culture at work.
KEY TAKEAWAYS From This Business Problems Solved Podcast Were:
Everyone makes mistakes in business and life. We must seek to establish a culture that does not place reliance on blame.
We establish trust by trusting others. The best way to operate is to trust without reserve, and only withdraw that trust if we are let down. We do no favours to anyone by being guarded from the off.
Always trust your heart and your gut feeling. Your inner voice can usually identify things that your conscious mind cannot.
By keeping your mind open, you can learn from everyone each day, and develop into a better version of yourself.
‘I’ve learned so much about communication’
‘Amateurs complete and professionals partner’
‘Anyone who says they’re perfect is just lying’
‘It’s not the mistake that defines you’
About Business Problems Solved Podcast

In this podcast, we help you solve your business problems by providing real examples and practical approaches to make today better than yesterday.
Introducing your host, the multi-sector, self-professed ‘most improved improvement person’ and qualified Business Problem Solver
Lee Houghton (pronounced Hawton)
You can contact Lee on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter by searching for Lee Houghton THE Business Problem Solver or via visiting for more content and to solve your business problems.
And remember – saying you know how to do it, is not doing it …
Thank you Lee for being such a great host, Nat and Kim-Adele thoroughly enjoyed being interviewed and look forward to further collaborations.
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