Business Acumen Strategies to Stay Ahead in This Changing World

Business Acumen: Strategies to Stay Ahead

In this great interview Gunilla Shein and I discuss business acumen strategies to stay ahead and what people really need to know in business. We both tell some funny stories and deliver lots of valuable information about business management, ongoing learning and entrepreneurship.

In this changing world, startups are growing at a fast pace and it is becoming harder to stay ahead. To keep the competitive edge in this new business landscape, you will need to improve your knowledge of Business Acumen Strategies. This blog post introduces some of these strategies with a focus on understanding how they work together to create an effective system for success.

In a world that is changing faster than ever, it is essential for business leaders to stay ahead of the curve. It’s easy to get caught up in day-to-day tasks and forget about the bigger picture. In this blog post I am going to share some strategies you can use right now to stay on top of your game.

Recently Gunilla has been asked about where to find business acumen and business skills and she said it boils down to the skills and the courage that you need and it is imperative you find the qualifications and the acumen.

If you don’t have the courage and the skills then it will be much harder to create success.

In Silicon valley they do not look at failure in the same way, they understand that without failure there is no success; much like when we were children learning how to walk.

Both Gunilla and I agreed that we both are really grateful for the times we have failed and got up and to fight another day and take new chances and challenge oneself to do that.

We need to understand that in society people are obsessed with success stories and not failures, failures build character and those mistakes shape us to be the messenger to other people who need to learn acumen.

Building Business Acumen & Strategies to Stay Ahead

Many people within businesses are pulling in different directions and many can’t explain what the business they are in does. They need to dig deep to learn some business acumen strategies to stay ahead

I explain about my family business and my Dad and Grandfather and I discuss the entrepreneurial journey and how my grandfather worked two jobs and built a factory, both my Dad and Nathan Schooler went to MIT, my Dad is still a lifelong learner at the age of 85 years old; he is learning Taichi and all about nascent technology.

We discuss the product and how that it must be right and especially if you are selling something that is rubbish you won’t become successful. Once you get everything right and your staff are pulling in the right direction it is super fun. You can also feel when your teams are pulling in the wrong way and then that enables you to take action!

Gunilla explains that the best thing you can do in business is to “be a sponge” and be curious about what you want to know, running with the excitement and understanding the business acumen strategies to stay ahead are key.

When you love what you do, use that charisma and if you can’t be charismatic and you own a business perhaps then sell the business or change jobs.

We also shared some amusing stories, Gunilla explains about the founder of IKEA and how he actually behaves in his business and I mentioned a good friend of mine and the time he bought me a £1 ready meal when I was invited for dinner on his boat!

If you want to learn about how we can help you message me

Please also share this interview with your friends.

You can also watch Gunilla discuss female leaders here with me too:

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